import cv2 import mediapipe as mp import json # Initialize MediaPipe pose module mp_pose = pose = mp_pose.Pose(min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5) mp_drawing = # Load and process the image image_path = 'gerakan/Childs.jpg' image = cv2.imread(image_path) image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image_results = pose.process(image_rgb) # Extract landmarks from the image def extract_landmarks(results): if not results.pose_landmarks: return None landmarks = [] for lm in results.pose_landmarks.landmark: landmarks.append((lm.x, lm.y, lm.z)) return landmarks image_landmarks = extract_landmarks(image_results) # Define mapping between landmark indices and body parts landmark_labels = { 0: 'nose', 1: 'left_eye_inner', 2: 'left_eye', 3: 'left_eye_outer', 4: 'right_eye_inner', 5: 'right_eye', 6: 'right_eye_outer', 7: 'left_ear', 8: 'right_ear', 9: 'mouth_left', 10: 'mouth_right', 11: 'left_shoulder', 12: 'right_shoulder', 13: 'left_elbow', 14: 'right_elbow', 15: 'left_wrist', 16: 'right_wrist', 17: 'left_pinky', 18: 'right_pinky', 19: 'left_index', 20: 'right_index', 21: 'left_thumb', 22: 'right_thumb', 23: 'left_hip', 24: 'right_hip', 25: 'left_knee', 26: 'right_knee', 27: 'left_ankle', 28: 'right_ankle', 29: 'left_heel', 30: 'right_heel', 31: 'left_foot_index', 32: 'right_foot_index' } # Map landmark indices to descriptive labels descriptive_landmarks = [{'body': landmark_labels.get(idx, 'unknown'), 'coordinates': coord} for idx, coord in enumerate(image_landmarks)] # Prepare landmark coordinates data landmark_data = { 'image_name': image_path, 'landmarks': descriptive_landmarks } # Save landmark coordinates to a variable and print as JSON landmark_coordinates = json.dumps(landmark_data, indent=4) print(landmark_coordinates) # Release resources pose.close()