
171 lines
4.8 KiB

* Theme: Ninja Admin Template
* Author: NinjaTeam
* Module/App: Toast
(function($) {
"use strict";
var i = -1;
var toastCount = 0;
var $toastlast;
var getMessage = function () {
var msgs = ['My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!',
'<div><input class="input-small" value="textbox"/>&nbsp;<a href="http://johnpapa.net" target="_blank">This is a hyperlink</a></div><div><button type="button" id="okBtn" class="btn btn-primary">Close me</button><button type="button" id="surpriseBtn" class="btn" style="margin: 0 8px 0 8px">Surprise me</button></div>',
'Are you the six fingered man?',
'I do not think that means what you think it means.',
'Have fun storming the castle!'
if (i === msgs.length) {
i = 0;
return msgs[i];
var getMessageWithClearButton = function (msg) {
msg = msg ? msg : 'Clear itself?';
msg += '<br /><br /><button type="button" class="btn clear">Yes</button>';
return msg;
$('#closeButton').on("click",function() {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#addBehaviorOnToastCloseClick').prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$('#addBehaviorOnToastCloseClick').prop('disabled', true);
$('#addBehaviorOnToastCloseClick').prop('checked', false);
return false;
$('#showtoast').on("click",function () {
var shortCutFunction = $("#toastTypeGroup input:radio:checked").val();
var msg = $('#message').val();
var title = $('#title').val() || '';
var $showDuration = $('#showDuration');
var $hideDuration = $('#hideDuration');
var $timeOut = $('#timeOut');
var $extendedTimeOut = $('#extendedTimeOut');
var $showEasing = $('#showEasing');
var $hideEasing = $('#hideEasing');
var $showMethod = $('#showMethod');
var $hideMethod = $('#hideMethod');
var toastIndex = toastCount++;
var addClear = $('#addClear').prop('checked');
toastr.options = {
closeButton: $('#closeButton').prop('checked'),
debug: $('#debugInfo').prop('checked'),
newestOnTop: $('#newestOnTop').prop('checked'),
progressBar: $('#progressBar').prop('checked'),
rtl: $('#rtl').prop('checked'),
positionClass: $('#positionGroup input:radio:checked').val() || 'toast-top-right',
preventDuplicates: $('#preventDuplicates').prop('checked'),
onclick: null
if ($('#addBehaviorOnToastClick').prop('checked')) {
toastr.options.onclick = function () {
alert('You can perform some custom action after a toast goes away');
if ($('#addBehaviorOnToastCloseClick').prop('checked')) {
toastr.options.onCloseClick = function () {
alert('You can perform some custom action when the close button is clicked');
if ($showDuration.val().length) {
toastr.options.showDuration = parseInt($showDuration.val());
if ($hideDuration.val().length) {
toastr.options.hideDuration = parseInt($hideDuration.val());
if ($timeOut.val().length) {
toastr.options.timeOut = addClear ? 0 : parseInt($timeOut.val());
if ($extendedTimeOut.val().length) {
toastr.options.extendedTimeOut = addClear ? 0 : parseInt($extendedTimeOut.val());
if ($showEasing.val().length) {
toastr.options.showEasing = $showEasing.val();
if ($hideEasing.val().length) {
toastr.options.hideEasing = $hideEasing.val();
if ($showMethod.val().length) {
toastr.options.showMethod = $showMethod.val();
if ($hideMethod.val().length) {
toastr.options.hideMethod = $hideMethod.val();
if (addClear) {
msg = getMessageWithClearButton(msg);
toastr.options.tapToDismiss = false;
if (!msg) {
msg = getMessage();
$('#toastrOptions').text('Command: toastr["'
+ shortCutFunction
+ '"]("'
+ msg
+ (title ? '", "' + title : '')
+ '")\n\ntoastr.options = '
+ JSON.stringify(toastr.options, null, 2)
var $toast = toastr[shortCutFunction](msg, title); // Wire up an event handler to a button in the toast, if it exists
$toastlast = $toast;
if(typeof $toast === 'undefined'){
if ($toast.find('#okBtn').length) {
$toast.delegate('#okBtn', 'click', function () {
alert('you clicked me. i was toast #' + toastIndex + '. goodbye!');
if ($toast.find('#surpriseBtn').length) {
$toast.delegate('#surpriseBtn', 'click', function () {
alert('Surprise! you clicked me. i was toast #' + toastIndex + '. You could perform an action here.');
if ($toast.find('.clear').length) {
$toast.delegate('.clear', 'click', function () {
toastr.clear($toast, { force: true });
return false;
function getLastToast(){
return $toastlast;
$('#clearlasttoast').on("click",function () {
return false;
$('#cleartoasts').on("click",function () {
return false;