load->model('model'); $this->load->model('m_tabel_ss'); if ($this->session->userdata('level') != "admin") { // remove session $this->session->unset_userdata('level'); redirect(base_url("login")); } } function index() { $main['header'] = "Halaman Utama"; // $main['content'] = "admin/content/index"; $this->load->view('admin/index', $main); } function parkir() { if ($this->input->post('proses') == "table_area_parkir") { $list = $this->m_tabel_ss->get_datatables(array('luas','alamat'), array(null, 'alamat',null, null, 'luas', null), array('id_parkir' => 'desc'), "tb_area_parkir", null,null, "*"); $data = array(); $no = $_POST['start']; foreach ($list as $field) { $kecamatan = ''; $kelurahan = ''; $cek_kelurahan = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_kelurahan', array('no' => $field->id_kelurahan))->result(); $kelurahan = $cek_kelurahan[0]->kelurahan; $cek_kecamatan = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_kecamatan', array('no' => $cek_kelurahan[0]->kecamatan))->result(); $kecamatan = $cek_kecamatan[0]->kecamatan; $no++; $row = array(); $row[] = $no; $row[] = $field->alamat; $row[] = $kecamatan; $row[] = $kelurahan; $row[] = $field->luas . " m2"; $row[] = "
"; $data[] = $row; } $output = array( "draw" => $_POST['draw'], "recordsTotal" => $this->m_tabel_ss->count_all("tb_area_parkir", null, null, "*"), "recordsFiltered" => $this->m_tabel_ss->count_filtered(array('luas','alamat'), array(null, 'alamat',null, null, 'luas', null), array('id_parkir' => 'desc'), "tb_area_parkir", null,null, "*"), "data" => $data, ); //output dalam format JSON echo json_encode($output); } else { $main['header'] = "Pengaturan Parkir"; // $main['content'] = "admin/content/pengaturan_parkir"; $this->load->view('admin/content/parkir', $main); } } function logout(){ $this->session->sess_destroy(); redirect(base_url("login")); } function coba() { $check_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_kelurahan', array('no' => '21'))->result(); $data = $check_data[0]->kordinat; $data = json_decode($data, true); print_r($data[0]['kordinat']); } function coba1() { $string = ''; // replace lng and lat to "lng" and "lat" and remove space and last comma $string = str_replace('lng:', '"lng":', $string); $string = str_replace('lat:', '"lat":', $string); $string = str_replace(' ', '', $string); $string = substr($string, 0, -1); // add square bracket $string = '[' . $string . ']'; print_r($string); } function coba2() { $array = ''; $array = json_decode($array, true); print_r($array); // print_r(json_encode($array)); } }