764 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
764 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
use chriskacerguis\RestServer\RestController;
class Api extends RestController
function __construct()
// $this->db->query("SET sql_mode = '' ");
public function index_get()
$this->response(['message' => 'Halo Bosku', 'status' => true], 200);
// redirect(base_url());
public function index_post()
$this->response(['message' => 'Halo Bosku post', 'status' => true], 400);
// redirect(base_url());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function siswa_post()
$nama = $this->post('nama');
$jenis_kelamin = $this->post('jenis_kelamin');
$tanggal_lahir = $this->post('tanggal_lahir');
$tempat_lahir = $this->post('tempat_lahir');
$alamat = $this->post('alamat');
$no_telpon = $this->post('no_telpon');
$agama = $this->post('agama');
$kewarganegaraan = $this->post('kewarganegaraan');
$pendidikan_sd = $this->post('pendidikan_sd');
$pendidikan_smp = $this->post('pendidikan_smp');
$pendidikan_sma = $this->post('pendidikan_sma');
$kemampuan = $this->post('kemampuan');
$hobi = $this->post('hobi');
$foto = $_FILES['foto'];
$cek_last_ai = $this->model->cek_last_ai('tb_siswa');
$upload_dir = 'assets/siswa/' . $cek_last_ai . '/';
if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
$path = $upload_dir . $foto['name'];
move_uploaded_file($foto['tmp_name'], $path);
$array = [
'nama' => $nama,
'jenis_kelamin' => $jenis_kelamin,
'tanggal_lahir' => $tanggal_lahir,
'tempat_lahir' => $tempat_lahir,
'alamat' => $alamat,
'no_telpon' => $no_telpon,
'agama' => $agama,
'kewarganegaraan' => $kewarganegaraan,
'pendidikan_sd' => $pendidikan_sd,
'pendidikan_smp' => $pendidikan_smp,
'pendidikan_sma' => $pendidikan_sma,
'kemampuan' => $kemampuan,
'hobi' => $hobi,
'img_url' => $path
$this->model->insert('tb_siswa', $array);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk siswa post', 'status' => $array], 200);
public function siswa_get()
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_siswa ORDER BY nama Asc")->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk siswa get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data], 200);
public function siswa_detail_get()
$id = $this->get('id');
$data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_siswa', ['id_siswa' => $id])->result();
if (count($data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 200);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk siswa get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data[0]], 200);
public function siswa_edit_post()
$id = $this->get('id');
$nama = $this->post('nama');
$tanggal_lahir = $this->post('tanggal_lahir');
$tempat_lahir = $this->post('tempat_lahir');
$jenis_kelamin = $this->post('jenis_kelamin');
$alamat = $this->post('alamat');
$no_telpon = $this->post('no_telpon');
$agama = $this->post('agama');
$kewarganegaraan = $this->post('kewarganegaraan');
$pendidikan_sd = $this->post('pendidikan_sd');
$pendidikan_smp = $this->post('pendidikan_smp');
$pendidikan_sma = $this->post('pendidikan_sma');
$kemampuan = $this->post('kemampuan');
$hobi = $this->post('hobi');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_siswa', ['id_siswa' => $id])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$array = [
'nama' => $nama,
'tanggal_lahir' => $tanggal_lahir,
'tempat_lahir' => $tempat_lahir,
'jenis_kelamin' => $jenis_kelamin,
'alamat' => $alamat,
'no_telpon' => $no_telpon,
'agama' => $agama,
'kewarganegaraan' => $kewarganegaraan,
'pendidikan_sd' => $pendidikan_sd,
'pendidikan_smp' => $pendidikan_smp,
'pendidikan_sma' => $pendidikan_sma,
'kemampuan' => $kemampuan,
'hobi' => $hobi
$this->model->update('tb_siswa', ['id_siswa' => $id], $array);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk update siswa', 'status' => true], 200);
// siswa delete
public function siswa_delete_post()
$id = $this->post('id');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_siswa', ['id_siswa' => $id])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
// delete the folder
$upload_dir = 'assets/siswa/' . $id . '/';
if (is_dir($upload_dir)) {
array_map('unlink', glob("$upload_dir/*.*"));
$this->model->delete('tb_siswa', ['id_siswa' => $id]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk siswa delete', 'status' => true], 200);
public function dana_sosial_post()
$nama = $this->post('nama') == '' ? null : $this->post('nama');
$jumlah = $this->post('jumlah') == '' ? null : $this->post('jumlah');
$jumlah_barang = $this->post('jumlah_barang') == '' ? null : $this->post('jumlah_barang');
$tanggal = $this->post('tanggal');
$ket = $this->post('ket') == '' ? null : $this->post('ket');
$jenis = $this->post('jenis');
$bentuk = $this->post('bentuk');
$jenis_barang = $this->post('jenis_barang');
$satuan = $this->post('satuan');
$jumlah_barang = $this->post('jumlah_barang');
$array = [
'nama' => $nama,
'jumlah' => $jumlah ?? $jumlah_barang,
'tanggal' => $tanggal,
'ket' => $ket,
'jenis' => $jenis,
'bentuk' => $bentuk,
'jenis_barang' => $jenis_barang,
'satuan' => $satuan,
'jumlah_barang' => $jumlah_barang
$this->model->insert('tb_dana_sosial', $array);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial', 'status' => true], 200);
public function dana_sosial_khusus_post()
$donatur = $this->post('donatur') == '' ? null : $this->post('donatur');
$jumlah = $this->post('jumlah') == '' ? null : $this->post('jumlah');
$tanggal = $this->post('tanggal');
$ket = $this->post('ket') == '' ? null : $this->post('ket');
$jenis = $this->post('jenis');
$bentuk = $this->post('bentuk');
$jenis_barang = $this->post('jenis_barang');
$satuan = $this->post('satuan');
$jumlah_barang = $this->post('jumlah_barang');
$array = [
'id_donatur' => $donatur,
'jumlah' => $jumlah,
'tanggal' => $tanggal,
'ket' => $ket,
'jenis' => $jenis,
'bentuk' => $bentuk,
'jenis_barang' => $jenis_barang,
'satuan' => $satuan,
'jumlah_barang' => $jumlah_barang
$query = $this->model->insert('tb_dana_sosial_khusus', $array);
if ($query) {
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial', 'status' => true], 200);
} else {
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial', 'status' => false], 400);
public function dana_sosial_get()
// $data = $this->model->tampil_data_keseluruhan('tb_dana_sosial')->result();
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial ORDER BY nama Asc")->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data], 200);
// ini untuk khusus
public function dana_sosial_khusus_get()
// $data = $this->model->tampil_data_keseluruhan('tb_dana_sosial')->result();
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT a.*, b.nama_donatur as nama FROM tb_dana_sosial_khusus a join tb_donatur b on a.id_donatur = b.id_donatur ORDER BY b.nama_donatur Asc")->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data], 200);
public function dana_sosial_detail_get()
$id = $this->get('id');
$data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_dana_sosial', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id])->result();
if (count($data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data[0]], 200);
public function dana_sosial_khusus_detail_get()
$id = $this->get('id');
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT a.*, b.nama_donatur as nama FROM tb_dana_sosial_khusus a join tb_donatur b on a.id_donatur = b.id_donatur where a.id_dana_sosial = $id")->result();
if (count($data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data[0]], 200);
public function filter_dana_post()
$sql = $this->post('sql');
$data = $this->model->custom_query($sql)->result();
$jumlah_donasi = 0;
$jumlah_pengeluaran = 0;
foreach ($data as $d) {
if ($d->bentuk == 'Pemasukan') {
$jumlah_donasi += $d->jumlah;
if ($d->bentuk == 'Pengeluaran') {
$jumlah_pengeluaran += $d->jumlah;
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk filter dana', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data, 'jumlah_donasi' => $jumlah_donasi, 'jumlah_pengeluaran' => $jumlah_pengeluaran], 200);
public function filter_dana_khusus_post()
$sql = $this->post('sql');
$data = $this->model->custom_query($sql)->result();
$jumlah_donasi = 0;
$jumlah_pengeluaran = 0;
foreach ($data as $d) {
if ($d->bentuk == 'Pemasukan') {
$jumlah_donasi += $d->jumlah;
if ($d->bentuk == 'Pengeluaran') {
$jumlah_pengeluaran += $d->jumlah;
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk filter dana', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data, 'jumlah_donasi' => $jumlah_donasi, 'jumlah_pengeluaran' => $jumlah_pengeluaran], 200);
public function hapus_dana_sosial_post()
$id_dana_sosial = $this->post('id_dana_sosial');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_dana_sosial', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id_dana_sosial])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->model->delete('tb_dana_sosial', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id_dana_sosial]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk hapus dana sosial', 'status' => true], 200);
public function hapus_dana_sosial_khusus_post()
$id_dana_sosial = $this->post('id_dana_sosial');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_dana_sosial_khusus', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id_dana_sosial])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->model->delete('tb_dana_sosial_khusus', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id_dana_sosial]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk hapus dana sosial', 'status' => true], 200);
public function dana_sosial_ttd_post()
$id = $this->post('id');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_dana_sosial', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->model->update('tb_dana_sosial', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id], ['status' => 1]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial ttd', 'status' => true], 200);
public function dana_sosial_khusus_ttd_post()
$id = $this->post('id');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_dana_sosial_khusus', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id])->result();
if (count($cek_data) == 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data tidak ditemukan', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->model->update('tb_dana_sosial_khusus', ['id_dana_sosial' => $id], ['status' => 1]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk dana sosial ttd', 'status' => true], 200);
public function edit_jabatan_post()
$jabatan = $this->post('jabatan');
$jumlah = $this->post('jumlah');
// change jumlah to int
$jumlah = (int)$jumlah;
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_jabatan', ['jabatan' => $jabatan])->result();
for ($j = 0; $j < count($cek_data); $j++) {
// delete folder
$upload_dir = 'assets/jabatan/' . $cek_data[$j]->id . '/';
if (is_dir($upload_dir)) {
$files = glob($upload_dir . '*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_file($file)) {
$this->model->delete('tb_jabatan', ['jabatan' => $jabatan]);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumlah; $i++) {
$nama = $this->post('nama' . $i);
$foto = $_FILES['image' . $i];
$cek_last_ai = $this->model->cek_last_ai('tb_jabatan');
$upload_dir = 'assets/jabatan/' . $cek_last_ai . '/';
if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
$path = $upload_dir . $foto['name'];
move_uploaded_file($foto['tmp_name'], $path);
$array = [
'jabatan' => $jabatan,
'nama' => $nama,
'img_url' => $path
$this->model->insert('tb_jabatan', $array);
$this->response(['message' => $cek_data, 'status' => true], 200);
public function jabatan_get()
$jabatan = $this->get('jabatan');
$data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_jabatan', ['jabatan' => $jabatan])->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk jabatan get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data], 200);
public function pemasukan_get()
$bulan = $this->get('bulan');
// get this year
$tahun = date('Y');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where tanggal like '$tahun-$bulan%' and bentuk = 'Pemasukan' and jenis = 'Uang'";
$data = $this->model->custom_query($sql)->result();
$jumlah = 0;
foreach ($data as $d) {
$jumlah += $d->jumlah;
$sql_pengeluaran = "SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where tanggal like '$tahun-$bulan%' and bentuk = 'Pengeluaran' and jenis = 'Uang'";
$data_pengeluaran = $this->model->custom_query($sql_pengeluaran)->result();
$jumlah_pengeluaran = 0;
foreach ($data_pengeluaran as $d) {
$jumlah_pengeluaran += $d->jumlah;
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk pemasukan get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data, 'jumlah' => $jumlah, 'jumlah_pengeluaran' => $jumlah_pengeluaran], 200);
public function pemasukan_khusus_get()
$bulan = $this->get('bulan');
// get this year
$tahun = date('Y');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial_khusus where tanggal like '$tahun-$bulan%' and bentuk = 'Pemasukan' and jenis = 'Uang'";
$data = $this->model->custom_query($sql)->result();
$jumlah = 0;
foreach ($data as $d) {
$jumlah += $d->jumlah;
$sql_pengeluaran = "SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where tanggal like '$tahun-$bulan%' and bentuk = 'Pengeluaran' and jenis = 'Uang'";
$data_pengeluaran = $this->model->custom_query($sql_pengeluaran)->result();
$jumlah_pengeluaran = 0;
foreach ($data_pengeluaran as $d) {
$jumlah_pengeluaran += $d->jumlah;
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk pemasukan get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data, 'jumlah' => $jumlah, 'jumlah_pengeluaran' => $jumlah_pengeluaran], 200);
public function jumlah_siswa_get()
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as jumlah FROM tb_siswa";
$data = $this->model->custom_query($sql)->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk jumlah siswa get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data[0]], 200);
public function donatur_post()
$nama_donatur = $this->post('nama_donatur');
$cek_data = $this->model->tampil_data_where('tb_donatur', ['nama_donatur' => $nama_donatur])->result();
if (count($cek_data) > 0) return $this->response(['message' => 'data sudah ada', 'status' => false], 400);
$this->model->insert('tb_donatur', ['nama_donatur' => $nama_donatur]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk tambah donatur', 'status' => true], 200);
public function donatur_get()
$data = $this->model->tampil_data_keseluruhan('tb_donatur')->result();
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk donatur get', 'status' => true, 'data' => $data, 'jumlah' => count($data)], 200);
public function laporan_bulanan_get()
$bulan = $this->get('bulan');
$tahun = $this->get('tahun');
$bulan_num = $bulan;
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where tanggal like '$tahun-$bulan%' order by tanggal asc")->result();
$bulan = $this->bulan_name($bulan);
$pdf = new Pdf('P', 'mm', 'LEGAL');
// $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
// make th center and
$html = "<html>
text-align: center;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th {
text-align: center;
<p><b>Bulan $bulan, Tahun $tahun</b></p>
<th><b>Jumlah / Satuan</b></th>
foreach ($data as $d) {
$tanggal = $this->date_formatter($d->tanggal);
$html .= "<tr>
if ($d->jenis == 'Uang') {
$html .= "Rp. " . number_format($d->jumlah, 0, ',', '.');
} else {
$html .= "$d->jenis_barang $d->jumlah $d->satuan";
$html .= "</td>
$html .= "</table>
// save to pdf folder
$pdf->Output(__DIR__ . '/../../assets/pdf/laporan_bulanan_' . $bulan_num . ',' . $tahun . '.pdf', 'F');
// $pdf->Output('laporan_bulanan'.$bulan.', '.$tahun.'.pdf', 'I');
return $this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk laporan bulanan', 'status' => true], 200);
function laporan_harian_get()
$tanggal = $this->get('tanggal');
$hari = $this->get('hari');
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where tanggal = '$tanggal'")->result();
$tanggal_format = $this->date_formatter($tanggal);
$pdf = new Pdf('P', 'mm', 'LEGAL');
// $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
// make th center and
$html = "<html>
text-align: center;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th {
text-align: center;
<p><b>Hari $hari, Tanggal $tanggal_format</b></p>
<th><b>Jumlah / Satuan</b></th>
foreach ($data as $d) {
$html .= "<tr>
if ($d->jenis == 'Uang') {
$html .= "Rp. " . number_format($d->jumlah, 0, ',', '.');
} else {
$html .= "$d->jenis_barang $d->jumlah $d->satuan";
$html .= "</td>
$html .= "</table>
// save to pdf folder
$pdf->Output(__DIR__ . '/../../assets/pdf/laporan_harian_' . $hari . ',' . $tanggal . '.pdf', 'F');
// $pdf->Output('laporan_harian'.$hari.', '.$tanggal_format.'.pdf', 'I');
return $this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk laporan harian', 'status' => true], 200);
function laporan_tahunan_get()
$tahun = $this->get('tahun');
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial where year(tanggal) = '$tahun'")->result();
$pdf = new Pdf('P', 'mm', 'LEGAL');
// $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
// make th center and
$html = "<html>
text-align: center;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th {
text-align: center;
<p><b>Tahun $tahun</b></p>
<th><b>Jumlah / Satuan</b></th>
foreach ($data as $d) {
$html .= "<tr>
if ($d->jenis == 'Uang') {
$html .= "Rp. " . number_format($d->jumlah, 0, ',', '.');
} else {
$html .= "$d->jenis_barang $d->jumlah $d->satuan";
$html .= "</td>
$html .= "</table>
// save to pdf folder
$pdf->Output(__DIR__ . '/../../assets/pdf/laporan_tahunan_' . $tahun . '.pdf', 'F');
// $pdf->Output('laporan_tahunan'.$tahun.'.pdf', 'I');
return $this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk laporan tahunan', 'status' => true], 200);
function data_tahunan_get()
$data = $this->model->custom_query("SELECT * FROM tb_dana_sosial")->result();
$new_data = [];
// kumpulkan nilai pemasukkan dan pengeluaran berdasarkan tahun
// make teh data like [["tahun" => 2021, "pemasukan" => 1000, "pengeluaran" => 2000], ["tahun" => 2022, "pemasukan" => 2000, "pengeluaran" => 3000], ...]
foreach ($data as $d) {
$year = date('Y', strtotime($d->tanggal));
$pemasukan = 0;
$pengeluaran = 0;
if ($d->bentuk == 'Pemasukan' and $d->jenis == 'Uang') {
$pemasukan += $d->jumlah;
} else if ($d->bentuk == 'Pengeluaran' and $d->jenis == 'Uang') {
$pengeluaran += $d->jumlah;
if (count($new_data) == 0) {
array_push($new_data, ["tahun" => $year, "pemasukan" => $pemasukan, "pengeluaran" => $pengeluaran]);
} else {
if ($new_data[count($new_data) - 1]['tahun'] == $year) {
$new_data[count($new_data) - 1]['pemasukan'] += $pemasukan;
$new_data[count($new_data) - 1]['pengeluaran'] += $pengeluaran;
} else {
array_push($new_data, ["tahun" => $year, "pemasukan" => $pemasukan, "pengeluaran" => $pengeluaran]);
$this->response(['message' => 'ini untuk data tahunan', 'status' => true, 'data' => $new_data], 200);
function bulan_name($number)
$number = (int)$number;
$arr = ['', 'Januari', 'Februari', 'Maret', 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Agustus', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Desember'];
return $arr[$number];
function date_formatter($tgl)
// dd-mm-yyyy
$arr = explode('-', $tgl);
return $arr[2] . '-' . $arr[1] . '-' . $arr[0];