import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; class OtherFunction { int umur(String tanggalLahir) { // change tanggalLahir to DateTime DateTime date = DateTime.parse(tanggalLahir); // get current date DateTime now =; // get difference in year int year = now.year - date.year; return year; } String commaFormat(int number) { final formatter = NumberFormat('#,###'); return formatter.format(number); } String changeMonth(String month) { switch (month) { case 'Januari': return '01'; case 'Februari': return '02'; case 'Maret': return '03'; case 'April': return '04'; case 'Mei': return '05'; case 'Juni': return '06'; case 'Juli': return '07'; case 'Agustus': return '08'; case 'September': return '09'; case 'Oktober': return '10'; case 'November': return '11'; case 'Desember': return '12'; default: return ''; } } String changeMonthYear(String s) { // get the last 2 digits String month = s.substring(s.length - 2); // get the first 4 digits String year = s.substring(0, 4); // return the month and year switch (month) { case '01': return 'Januari $year'; case '02': return 'Februari $year'; case '03': return 'Maret $year'; case '04': return 'April $year'; case '05': return 'Mei $year'; case '06': return 'Juni $year'; case '07': return 'Juli $year'; case '08': return 'Agustus $year'; case '09': return 'September $year'; case '10': return 'Oktober $year'; case '11': return 'November $year'; case '12': return 'Desember $year'; default: return ''; } } String getDayOfWeek(String date) { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parse(date); List daysOfWeek = [ 'Senin', 'Selasa', 'Rabu', 'Kamis', 'Jumat', 'Sabtu', 'Minggu' ]; return daysOfWeek[dateTime.weekday - 1]; } String formatDateString(String dateString) { // Remove the "T" and replace it with " | " String formattedString = dateString.replaceAll('T', '\n'); // Remove the ".000Z" formattedString = formattedString.replaceAll('.000Z', ''); // Parse the input string to DateTime object DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parse(dateString); // Get the day of the week in Indonesian String dayOfWeek = DateFormat.EEEE('id_ID').format(dateTime); // Add the day of the week to the formatted string formattedString = '$formattedString\n$dayOfWeek'; return formattedString; } String formatDateString2(String dateString) { // Remove the "T" and replace it with " | " String formattedString = dateString.replaceAll('T', ' | '); // Remove the ".000Z" formattedString = formattedString.replaceAll('.000Z', ' | '); // Parse the input string to DateTime object DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parse(dateString); // Get the day of the week in Indonesian String dayOfWeek = DateFormat.EEEE('id_ID').format(dateTime); // Add the day of the week to the formatted string formattedString = '$formattedString | $dayOfWeek'; return formattedString; } }