
281 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File

* Theme: Ninja Admin Template
* Author: NinjaTeam
* Module/App: Flot-Chart
(function($) {
"use strict";
var FlotChart = {};
if ($("#real-time-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.realtime.init();
if ($("#categories-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.categories.init();
if ($("#pile-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.pile.init();
if ($("#donut-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.donut.init();
if ($("#lines-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.lines.init();
return false;
if ($("#real-time-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.realtime.init();
if ($("#categories-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.categories.init();
if ($("#pile-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.pile.init();
if ($("#donut-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.donut.init();
if ($("#lines-flot-chart").length) FlotChart.module.lines.init();
return false;
FlotChart.module = {
categories : {
container : "#categories-flot-chart",
data : [ ["January", 10], ["February", 8], ["March", 4], ["April", 13], ["May", 17], ["June", 9] ],
init: function(){
$.plot(FlotChart.module.categories.container, [], {
colors : ['#f9c851'],
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 0.6,
align: "center"
xaxis: {
mode: "categories",
tickLength: 0
return false;
donut : {
container : "#donut-flot-chart",
data : [
{ label: "Series 1", data: 50},
{ label: "Series 2", data: 60},
{ label: "Series 3", data: 90},
{ label: "Series 4", data: 70},
{ label: "Series 5", data: 80},
init: function(){
$.plot(FlotChart.module.donut.container,, {
tooltip : true,
tooltipOpts : {
content : "%s, %p.0%"
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
innerRadius: 0.5
grid: {
hoverable: true,
colors: ["#03a9f4", "#01ba9a", "#dcdcdc", "#6c85bd", "#f8ca4e"],
legend : {
show : true,
labelFormatter : function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:14px;">&nbsp;' + label + '</div>'
labelBoxBorderColor : null,
margin : 20,
width : 20,
padding : 1
return false;
lines : {
container : "#lines-flot-chart",
data : [
init: function(){
$.plot(FlotChart.module.lines.container,, {
colors : ['#6e8cd7', '#03a9f4'],
series: {
lines: {
show: !0,
fill: !0,
lineWidth: 1,
fillColor: {
colors: [{
opacity: .5
}, {
opacity: .5
points: {
show: !0
shadowSize: 0
legend: {
position: "nw"
grid: {
hoverable: !0,
clickable: !0,
borderColor: "#efefef",
borderWidth: 1,
labelMargin: 10,
backgroundColor: "#fff"
yaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 40,
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
xaxis: {
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
tooltip: !0,
tooltipOpts: {
content: "%s: Value of %x is %y",
shifts: {
x: -60,
y: 25
defaultTheme: !1
return false;
pile : {
container : "#pile-flot-chart",
data : [
{ label: "Series 1", data: 30},
{ label: "Series 2", data: 30},
{ label: "Series 3", data: 90},
{ label: "Series 4", data: 70},
init: function(){
$.plot(FlotChart.module.pile.container,, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 3/4,
formatter: labelFormatter,
background: {
opacity: 0.5
grid: {
hoverable: true
legend: {
show: false
colors: ["#03a9f4", "#01ba9a", "#dcdcdc", "#6c85bd"]
return false;
realtime : {
container : $("#real-time-flot-chart"),
maximum : 0,
data : [],
series : [],
plot : {},
init : function(){
FlotChart.module.realtime.maximum = FlotChart.module.realtime.container.outerWidth() / 2 || 300;
FlotChart.module.realtime.series = [{
data: FlotChart.func.getRandomData(),
lines: {
fill: true,
lineWidth: 1,
fillColor: {
colors: [{
opacity: .45
}, {
opacity: .45
points: {
show: !1
shadowSize: 0
FlotChart.module.realtime.plot = $.plot(FlotChart.module.realtime.container, FlotChart.module.realtime.series, {
colors : ['#03a9f4'],
grid: {
show: !0,
aboveData: !1,
color: "#dcdcdc",
labelMargin: 15,
axisMargin: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
borderColor: null,
minBorderMargin: 5,
clickable: !0,
hoverable: !0,
autoHighlight: !1,
mouseActiveRadius: 20
yaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 150,
color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
xaxis: {
show: !1
legend: {
show: true
// Update the random dataset at 25FPS for a smoothly-animating chart
setInterval(function updateRandom() {
FlotChart.module.realtime.series[0].data = FlotChart.func.getRandomData();
}, 40);
return false;
FlotChart.func = {
getRandomData : function(){
if ( { =;
while ( < FlotChart.module.realtime.maximum) {
var previous = ?[ - 1] : 50;
var y = previous + Math.random() * 10 - 5; < 0 ? 0 : y > 100 ? 100 : y);
// zip the generated y values with the x values
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {
return res;
function labelFormatter(label, series) {
return "<div style='font-size:8pt; text-align:center; padding:2px; color:white;'>" + label + "<br/>" + Math.round(series.percent) + "%</div>";