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* @preserve jquery.fullscreen 1.1.5
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Klaus Reimer <>
* Licensed under the MIT license
* (See
(function(jQuery) {
* Sets or gets the fullscreen state.
* @param {boolean=} state
* True to enable fullscreen mode, false to disable it. If not
* specified then the current fullscreen state is returned.
* @return {boolean|Element|jQuery|null}
* When querying the fullscreen state then the current fullscreen
* element (or true if browser doesn't support it) is returned
* when browser is currently in full screen mode. False is returned
* if browser is not in full screen mode. Null is returned if
* browser doesn't support fullscreen mode at all. When setting
* the fullscreen state then the current jQuery selection is
* returned for chaining.
* @this {jQuery}
function fullScreen(state)
var e, func, doc;
// Do nothing when nothing was selected
if (!this.length) return this;
// We only use the first selected element because it doesn't make sense
// to fullscreen multiple elements.
e = (/** @type {Element} */ this[0]);
// Find the real element and the document (Depends on whether the
// document itself or a HTML element was selected)
if (e.ownerDocument)
doc = e.ownerDocument;
doc = e;
e = doc.documentElement;
// When no state was specified then return the current state.
if (state == null)
// When fullscreen mode is not supported then return null
if (!((/** @type {?Function} */ doc["exitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["webkitExitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["webkitCancelFullScreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["msExitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["mozCancelFullScreen"])))
return null;
// Check fullscreen state
state = !!doc["fullscreenElement"]
|| !!doc["msFullscreenElement"]
|| !!doc["webkitIsFullScreen"]
|| !!doc["mozFullScreen"];
if (!state) return state;
// Return current fullscreen element or "true" if browser doesn't
// support this
return (/** @type {?Element} */ doc["fullscreenElement"])
|| (/** @type {?Element} */ doc["webkitFullscreenElement"])
|| (/** @type {?Element} */ doc["webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"])
|| (/** @type {?Element} */ doc["msFullscreenElement"])
|| (/** @type {?Element} */ doc["mozFullScreenElement"])
|| state;
// When state was specified then enter or exit fullscreen mode.
if (state)
// Enter fullscreen
func = (/** @type {?Function} */ e["requestFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ e["webkitRequestFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ e["webkitRequestFullScreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ e["msRequestFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ e["mozRequestFullScreen"]);
if (func)
return this;
// Exit fullscreen
func = (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["exitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["webkitExitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["webkitCancelFullScreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["msExitFullscreen"])
|| (/** @type {?Function} */ doc["mozCancelFullScreen"]);
if (func);
return this;
* Toggles the fullscreen mode.
* @return {!jQuery}
* The jQuery selection for chaining.
* @this {jQuery}
function toggleFullScreen()
return (/** @type {!jQuery} */,
* Handles the browser-specific fullscreenchange event and triggers
* a jquery event for it.
* @param {?Event} event
* The fullscreenchange event.
function fullScreenChangeHandler(event)
jQuery(document).trigger(new jQuery.Event("fullscreenchange"));
* Handles the browser-specific fullscreenerror event and triggers
* a jquery event for it.
* @param {?Event} event
* The fullscreenerror event.
function fullScreenErrorHandler(event)
jQuery(document).trigger(new jQuery.Event("fullscreenerror"));
* Installs the fullscreenchange event handler.
function installFullScreenHandlers()
var e, change, error;
// Determine event name
e = document;
if (e["webkitCancelFullScreen"])
change = "webkitfullscreenchange";
error = "webkitfullscreenerror";
else if (e["msExitFullscreen"])
change = "MSFullscreenChange";
error = "MSFullscreenError";
else if (e["mozCancelFullScreen"])
change = "mozfullscreenchange";
error = "mozfullscreenerror";
change = "fullscreenchange";
error = "fullscreenerror";
// Install the event handlers
jQuery(document).bind(change, fullScreenChangeHandler);
jQuery(document).bind(error, fullScreenErrorHandler);
jQuery.fn["fullScreen"] = fullScreen;
jQuery.fn["toggleFullScreen"] = toggleFullScreen;